Wednesday, December 27, 2006

That's A Lot of Blogs!

Last week I migrated all of my blogs to the new version of Blogger, which uses my Google account. I just counted... Man, that's a lot of blogs! I see 10 of them on my list, and that's not counting my Mom's blog, which I also contribute to and edit on occasion. I'll list all 10 of them here; some are private blogs, so I don't include the URLs:Related tags:

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Becoming More Jazzmania

2009-12-23 UPDATE: Testing whether updating an existing post with an enclosure link causes it to come down as a podcast.

I've been spreading the Jazzmania Productions name around the internet a lot lately, it seems. For example, tonight I signed up with GigaDial. GigaDial is a new approach to radio programming. You can use it to create and subscribe to podcast-powered stations composed of individual episodes from your favorite podcasters. Basically, it's a way for me to add individual episodes of a podcast to a single feed with which I can subscribe. One feed for all these shows. Anyone can subscribe to this feed to get shows I've placed on the Jazzmania Productions GigaDial channel: rss | iTunes

Another service I've signed up with is PodZinger, an audio search engine. I've also signed up with PayPal and may soon be providing a way for folks to make donations.

I'm going to put most, if not all, of the media production stuff I do under the Jazzmania Productions umbrella, I think.

Monday, November 06, 2006

The Current Jazzmania Productions Family

I've been getting domain names, and it seems like a big deal to me, since I've only just recently started doing it. The current domain names that fall under the Jazzmania Productions family are as follows:
I have another website for which I don't have the domain yet:

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Master of My Domain Name

Soon, you will be able to get here by going to . For now, why not head over to

2009-12-23 UPDATE: I'm testing out whether a video added to an earlier post will come through on the podcast feed.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

First post in Blogger beta

So, I've got this idea for a company called Jazzmania Productions. Came up with the idea back in high school, over 18 years ago. I may be a little closer to bringing this to fruition.